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Chichester District Council - District Dispatch
may remember that over the past two years, we have held some very successful
laser light shows during the February half term, at the Canal Basin in
I’m pleased to tell you that not only are we bringing this event back to Chichester for this year, but we are also bringing a laser light show, choreographed to music, for the first time to Petworth House too!
The first event at Petworth House will kick off on Saturday 15 February, with laser shows at 5.30pm and 6.45pm — both of which will be different displays. Petworth House will also be opening their beautiful house for free from 10.30am until 3.30pm on 15 February — so why not make a day of it and explore what Petworth House and the town has to offer before each shows begin! There will also be free drop-in crafts in Battery House where children will be able to get creative from 11am until 3.30pm, inspired by the laser show, and a silent disco between 4pm and 5pm. In addition, there will also be free live music in the courtyard from local musicians, with performances running between 3.30pm and 4.30pm, plus local vendors providing delicious food and drink.
The excitement doesn’t stop there because on Friday 21 and Saturday 22 February laser light shows will return to Chichester Canal Basin for the third year running. This year will be bigger and better than ever — with a new immersive water screen with film clips projected on it. On both nights, the shows, which will be choreographed to music, will take place at 6pm and 7.30pm. The first will be a modern Disney show with music and projections, while the second show will be based around movie blockbusters. We have listened to your previous feedback, and this has helped us to enhance the show even further — so get ready to be wowed! There will also be plenty of food and drink options available, and we will have illuminated entertainers and a children’s carousel ride.
All of the shows are being funded using grants from the UK Government, secured by Chichester District Council. These events have been designed as an opportunity for our local communities to enjoy free, exciting experiences during the February half-term school holidays. Over the past two years, these events have been really well received and can help brighten up what can be quite a flat time of year, following all of the celebrations in December. I was amazed by the shows last year and so I am over the moon that we have been able to bring it to Petworth, as well as further improve the Chichester shows. People who have heard about the events have already said how excited they are that it is returning. If you are able to join us, please do be aware that the shows contain strobe lighting.
As the events are being held during the half-term holidays, we’re also encouraging people to make a day of it by exploring Petworth and Chichester before attending the event – and supporting one of our many local businesses. This could be exploring our array of shops, having a meal out, or visiting one of our many attractions – including our own Novium Museum. Our district has so much to offer and holding events such as these is one of the key ways we can highlight and celebrate this.
Every month, we issue an email newsletter called initiatives+. By signing up at www.chichester.gov.uk/newsalerts you can make sure that you don’t miss exciting events such as this. The email newsletter highlights news and events from across the district and is well worth subscribing to. It’s also worth following our social media pages and keeping an eye on our latest news at: www.chichester.gov.uk/latestnews
Best Wishes
Cllr Harsha Desai
Cabinet Member for Licensing, Events and Communications at Chichester District Council
Road Closure A286 - Chilgrove Junction to Cobblers Row
Please be advised that the below roads are due to be closed on the dates and times specified for Carriageway Patching. An alternative route for traffic will be signed on site. Please note that these works are weather dependant, we will endeavour to inform you should there be significant changes to the programme.
This road closure is covered by the 14.1 order made on 11th January 2023.
Road Name |
Location |
Date (from and to) |
Timing of Closure (eg, 24hr, off peak 09:30 to 16:00, Night 08:00 to 06:00) |
A286 Town Lane to The Grove |
A286 from Town Lane to The Grove |
12th February- 14th February |
20:00- 06:00 |
A286 Church Lane to Millers Lane |
From Church Lane to the junction with Milers Lane and Motor Road. |
12th February- 14th February |
20:00- 06:00 |
A286 Chilgrove Road to Binderton Lane |
A286 from the lay-by approx 45 meters before the sign "Binderton" to Binderton Lane |
12th February- 14th February |
20:00- 06:00 |
A286 The Grinch to Town Lane |
A286 from The Grinch to the junction with Town Lane |
12th February- 14th February |
20:00- 06:00 |
A286 Vicarage Lane to The Grinch |
Church Lane to The Grinch |
12th February- 14th February |
20:00- 06:00 |
A286 Cemetery Lane to Vicarage Lane |
A286 from Cemetery Lane to Church Lane, just before The Old Vicarage. |
12th February- 14th February |
20:00- 06:00 |
A286 The Grove to Cobblers Row |
A286 The Grove to Cobblers Row |
12th February- 14th February |
20:00- 06:00 |
A286 From Millers Lane to Cemetery Lane |
A286 from Milers Lane/Motor Road Junction to Cemetery Lane |
12th February- 14th February |
20:00- 06:00 |
If you have any questions regarding this specific closure, please reply to this email directly.
Further information can also be found viaone.network
Latest news and events from across the Chichester District - Initiatives Newsletter